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Know the Facts

At the American Cancer Society, it's our mission to free the world from cancer. And colon cancer is the second deadliest form in America. It's also the easiest to prevent. Learn how.

The new recommended age to begin getting regular screenings is 45.

Boy that happened fast huh? One minute you're in a dorm room watching Ross and Rachel break up, the next minute you're in a doctor's office having a conversation about colonoscopies.

U.S. Cancer Deaths

Second deadliest form of cancer in the U.S.? You guessed it, colon cancer.

  • 1Lung and Bronchial Cancer
  • 2Colorectal Cancer
  • 3Breast Cancer

It is estimated that 51,020 people will die of colon cancer in 2019.

Survival Rate

The survival rate for colon cancer is 90 percent if you catch it early, and only 14 percent if you don't.

Figures based on 5 year survival rates.

1 in 3 adults ages 50 through 70 are not getting screened.

Like, ever. Not even once. And it's a really big problem. Because if we can't detect colon cancer, we have no chance of stopping it. And with today's less invasive screenings like home stool tests, there's no more reason to fear getting screened.

What Should You Do?


Get Informed

Go to to learn even more about how to detect colon cancer, what it causes, how to treat it, and how to prevent it.

More Colorectal Cancer Info »Colon Cancer Live Chat »

Get Screened

If you're nearing 45, it's time to talk to your doctor about scheduling a screening and then encourage your loved ones to do the same.


Get the Word Out

Help spread the word by sending invitations to friends and family. You can also help the cause by donating to the American Cancer Society.

Donate to the American Cancer Society »

We're changing the conversation about colon screening.

Colon cancer is the easiest form of cancer to prevent, yet people still aren't getting screened for it. It's time we changed that. So help us do it. Send an invitation - to your friends, family, classmates, everyone. And let's stop colon cancer in its tracks.

Invite Your Friends and Family

Help us raise awareness by letting your friends know.

Join us to celebrate the 5th anniversary of your last colonoscopy.
You're invited to a viewing party of your buttocks.
Surprise! 45 is the new age for regular colon screenings!